jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Journeys' Vocabulary for 2nd Bim Exam


1.  juvenile (adj.) - young
2.  marine (adj.) - in or connected to the sea
3.  analyzing (v.) - breaking into parts
4.  stunned (v.) - unable to sense what is going on
5.  ordeal (n.) - difficult experience
6.  fatal (adj.) - causing death
7.  intensive (adj.) - complete and carried out with care
8.  treating (v.) - giving medical care
9.  calling (n.) - occupation
10. basking (v.) - resting in or enjoying warmth


1.  romp (v.) - an energetic and noisy way to play
2.  strained (v.) - stretched to the limit, either physically or mentally
3.  shouldered (v.) - carried the weight
4.  lunging (v.) - making a sudden forward movement
5.  wheeled (v.) turned quickly
6.  frantic (adj.) - wild with excitement or worry
7.  picturing (v.) - creating a mental image of something
8.  bounding (v.) - leaping
9.  checking (v.) - limiting or controlling something
10. stride (n.) - the rhythm of your walking and length of your steps


1.  endangered (adj.) - threatened; for plants and animals, threatened with extinction
2.  responsibility (n.) - a duty or job
3.  conserving (v.) - using only what you need of something and protecting it; not wasting something
4.  regulate (v) - to control
5.  unique (adj.) - unusual and special in some way
6.  attracted (v.) - drew attention and captured interest
7.  adapted (v.) - changed, to survive or fit into new conditions
8.  vegetation (n.) - plants found in a particular area
9.  guardians (n.) - people who protect or take care of others
10. restore (v.) - to return something to its original state


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